Meine Schule

In Neuseeland werde ich das Onslow College in Johnsonville besuchen. Es ist eine gemischte Schule mit derzeit 1240 Schülern, von denen ca. 40 international sind.
Das Motto lautet: 'Lift your eyes to the hills'
Auf dem Schulgelände sind unteranderem
9 x Science laboratories
3 x Practical Art rooms and a photographic darkroom
A music suite with a classroom, performance space, practice rooms and recording studio
6 specialist technology classrooms
2 Gymnasiums
Cricket practice nets and a multiuse sand turf.
Extensive grass playing fields.
3 computer laboratories supplemented by computer pods throughout the school
A well-established Library which is the information centre for the school
An AV theatre and video editing suite
The Arts Centre which is the focus of drama in the school

zu finden. Ich bin zu faul, das jetzt alles zu übersetzen.


Der Campus:
(Foto: Onslow College, Wellington by Phillip Capper)


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